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Unlocking the Power of Amazon’s Advertising Search Term Report

Unlocking the Power of Amazon’s Advertising Search Term Report

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Are you trying to find a profitable approach to increase your sales on Amazon with minimal effort? Unlocking the power of Amazon’s Search Term Report is your answer. For sellers trying to get the most out of their Amazon advertising campaigns, Amazon’s Advertising Search Term Report is a handy tool.

You can target the most relevant and profitable keywords with your ads, product listings, and product detail pages by using the comprehensive insights it gives you into the exact search terms customers use when looking for items. By identifying which terms generate the most traffic and conversions, you can adjust your ad campaigns for optimal performance and cost-effectiveness. With the help of this priceless report, you can optimize your advertising expenditure and boost your Amazon sales rank.

This article will explain how to get the most out of Amazon Search Term Reports so you can utilize this robust data and expand your business. Achieving a competitive advantage in the Amazon marketplace is possible with the appropriate strategy and understanding of Search Term Reports.

Table of Contents

  • What is an Advertising Search Term Report?
  • Importance of using the Search Term Report
  • How to download the Search Terms Report on Amazon?
  • Analyzing the report
  • How to successfully use the report
  • Final words

What Is Advertising Search Term Report?

Sellers can use the Search Term Report as an invaluable tool to understand how Amazon shoppers search for products. You can download it for both Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brand ads through Sponsored advertisements Reports in the Advertising Console. 

In brief, the report consists of an extensive compilation of the keywords that have brought customers to your product listings. It shows both the total impressions and click-through rate (CTR) that each search term has produced. The report also displays data on the average cost per click (CPC) for each term, the number of clicks on ads, the number of purchases, and the revenue earned. 

Anyone running an Amazon ad campaign may find great value in this information as it makes it simple and quick to determine which search terms are most profitable and likely to result in conversions. The Search Term Report provides a 65-day lookback window and lists all customer search terms that have resulted in clicks and impressions for your ad campaigns, along with the expenditure and revenue associated with each search term.

Importance Of Using The Search Term Report

The highest-converting and most profitable customer search terms (CSTs) or ASINs can be found using the Search Term Report. 

Product titles, bullet points, and descriptions can be optimized using CSTs produced by your auto campaigns and manual campaign match types (wide and phrase). These can also be utilized as discovery campaigns and deployed in advertising campaigns. To get the most out of your advertising budget, this can help you boost traffic to your product listing and improve your CTR for more sales. The report also allows you to reduce ad spend by identifying low-converting keywords and eliminating them from your campaigns.

How To Download The Search Terms Report On Amazon?

  • Step 1 – Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account and click on Reports.
  • Step 2 – Click Create Report after selecting Advertising Reports.
  • Step 3 – Select Sponsored Products under All Campaigns.
  • Step 4 – Choose the type of report as Search Term. Give the timeline of the report and click Run Report.

Analyzing The Report

At first glance, the Search Term Report is a powerful keyword discovery tool, but when you delve further, it can offer some high-level insights into your brand and its position in the competitive marketplace. Up to 1,000 keywords that Amazon deems relevant to your brand are listed in the report, along with a ranking of the top-performing terms and helpful keyword metrics. 

These helpful metrics include Search Term Volume, followed by four categories of data – Search Funnel Impressions, Clicks, Cart Adds, and Purchases. For each stage of the funnel, including Brand Share, you have applicable metrics within those categories.

The following are a few things that are included in the Search Terms Report:

  • Campaign Name
  • Ad Group Name
  • Portfolio Name
  • Keyword Match Type
  • Customer Search Terms
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • CTR (Click-through-rate)
  • CPC (Cost-per-click)
  • Amount Spent
  • Total ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale)
  • Total Return on Advertising Spend (RoAS)
  • Total Sales
  • Conversion Rate

How To Successfully Use The Report

To effectively use the Amazon Search Terms Report for optimization, there are a few simple tips and best practices to follow.

Tracking New Trends

Track new search terms that are developing and trending. Include these in your ad campaigns and product listings.

Focus on Long-Tail Keywords

Prioritize long-tail keywords over shorter ones since they are typically more precise and have higher CVRs. Incorporate these into ad campaigns, bullet points, and product descriptions.

Category Relevant Keywords

If the data includes search terms that are specific to your product category, make sure you include those terms in your product title, bullet points, and product description to help shoppers looking for a solution in your product category find your product.

Final Words

You can obtain sufficient insight into past search terms used by your customers to find products by referring to the Amazon Search Terms Report. Take advantage of this opportunity to test and optimize your listings and PPC campaigns for improved relevancy and discoverability. We highly recommend you go through the Search Term Performance page if you have not already. You will quickly discover there is a ton of value you can add to your advertising strategy. If you have explored the tool and extracted many reports, which ones have you found useful? Post your thoughts in the comments area.

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