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Amazon Global Selling New Opportunities For Sellers

Amazon Global Selling: New Opportunities For Sellers

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Amazon keeps providing new opportunities for sellers to increase their profit, customer base, and sales, being one of the leading competitors in the online marketplace. With the Amazon Global Selling program, Amazon has revolutionized eCommerce in one of the most astounding ways possible in recent years.

Quick Guide

  • What is Amazon Global selling?
  • Benefits of Amazon Global Selling
  • What countries can you sell to through Amazon?
  • Steps to succeed at selling globally
  • Conclusion

What Is Amazon Global Selling?

With the help of the Amazon Global Selling program, sellers can expand their businesses internationally. Therefore, if you already sell on the Amazon marketplace in your own country, you may expand your Amazon selling internationally by signing up for other Amazon marketplaces.

Amazon now operates over 15 marketplaces, and sellers may utilize the Build International Listings (BIL) tool to create offers in one marketplace and then make them accessible in other marketplaces by enrolling in the Amazon Global Selling program. Without using the global selling program, you can sell on other marketplaces as well. The objective of the program is to assist sellers in selling on multiple marketplaces while still saving time and effort.

The only drawback of the program is that product detail pages are not always created in the target marketplaces, and sellers may also run into issues with inventory, price, and selling regulations.

Benefits Of Amazon Global Selling

The following are a few advantages that international selling on Amazon offers to sellers:

Greater reach and an existing customer base

One of the main advantages of the global selling program on Amazon is this. With a large customer base that is constantly expanding and a well-established marketplace, Amazon already has customers who are eager to buy your stuff. By joining this program, you can reach new customers, boost sales and conversion, and increase your profit without having to deal with shipping, delivery, and storage issues. 

Access to convenient product fulfillment tools

The cost of importing and exporting items accounts for the majority of expenses for most online e-commerce businesses. You will need to have storage and shipping facilities if you want to sell your items on the international market so that they can be distributed efficiently and quickly. Imagine having to ship products to buyers in the UK while operating in the US; this would result in significant costs, making expansion ultimately questionable. As a result of Amazon’s global selling, Amazon offers its sellers Amazon FBA as an appropriate and affordable method of order fulfillment. 

By doing this, sellers will not have to worry about the logistical challenges associated with entering a global market since Amazon will take care of everything.

Access to customer service and language support

You need to be able to communicate in a language that your target audience knows and understands if you want to expand into a new marketplace. It would be a difficult task to translate your product listing into a foreign language if your native language and the language of the country you wish to expand into are not the same. 

This is not a concern if you join the Amazon Global Selling program because Amazon provides customer service and language support for each country you want to sell in.

Global marketplace expansion requires little to no initial cost

The initial costs of entering the market, such as the cost of obtaining a license to sell in these marketplaces, setting up logistical facilities, developing customer service, and many others, are some of the main obstacles that online sellers face when trying to expand their businesses. 

All you need to do is list your products and start selling because Amazon already has an established customer base.

What Countries Can You Sell To Through Amazon?

You may expand into any of the several countries where Amazon has a marketplace. Below is a list of Amazon’s marketplaces:

North American Marketplaces

  • Mexico (
  • Canada (
  • United States (
  • Brazil (

European Marketplaces

  • UK (
  • Spain (
  • Germany (
  • Italy (
  • France (
  • Netherlands (

Asian Marketplaces

  • India (
  • China (
  • Japan (
  • Australia (

Middle Eastern Marketplaces

  • United Arab Emirate (
  • Turkey (

Steps To Succeed At Selling Globally

Here are the 4 steps to be successful with Amazon global selling.

Step 1: Decide where & what to sell

Understand the opportunity that selling internationally on Amazon offers your business. Learn where you can sell through Amazon, what is required—including taxes and regulations—and strategic considerations for entering a new marketplace.

Step 2: Register & list your products

Leverage Amazon tools to manage seller accounts globally and manage your listings across marketplaces. Translate your listings if necessary. Your products are now available for sale.

Step 3: Ship & fulfill

Amazon fulfillment services help you get products to customers promptly worldwide. Understand what’s involved in shipping and fulfilling in different countries, including costs, times, and requirements. Learn about Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) international solutions, or handle it yourself.

Step 4: Manage your business

Provide customer support and local country returns, either yourself or through Amazon. Get paid in your preferred currency. Use Amazon’s tools and recommendations to grow your international sales and scale your business globally.


A great option for sellers to expand their businesses into international marketplaces and reach a wider customer base is to sign up for the Amazon Global Selling program. Sellers can list and manage their products on Amazon’s global websites with ease and convenience with access to Amazon’s global logistics and customer service networks.

You should definitely sign up for the Amazon Global Selling program if you want to expand your Amazon business in 2023. Have you already joined the Amazon Global Selling program? Let us know in the comments below!

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