As Amazon doesn’t have that many warehouses or hubs in Wyoming compared to other more populated states, finding the closest Amazon fulfillment center or hub counter near you is tough. 

On top of that, there are many money-hungry websites providing unreliable, surface-level info that won’t get you to your desired location. Unfortunately, Amazon has only one authorized warehouse in Wyoming. 

However, you can utilize several lockers, hub counters, and a third-party fulfillment center. Let’s find out the necessary details regarding Amazon warehouses in Wyoming.

Amazon Warehouses in Wyoming Shortlisted

To help you locate the Amazon fulfillment center, locker, and hub, I’ll share all the necessary details you need to reach the exact place you want. Before we dive in, let’s take a look at the type of warehouses and other facilities we’ll be talking about:

  • Fulfillment Center (FC): Orders are safely received, stored, and efficiently packed, and shipped to various destinations of the state from this type of Amazon warehouse.
  • Locker: Typically used for mail services, Amazon lockers are places where you can directly pick up your order. 
  • Hub Counter (HC): A designated spot to drop off or collect your orders safely. 
  • Third-Party Fulfillment Centers: Authorized Amazon warehouses for inventory management and product picking, storing, and shipping.

Details of Amazon Warehouses:

CodeAddressZip CodeType of WarehouseCountyContact NumberMap Link
SLC1777 N 5600 W, Salt Lake City, UT84116FCSalt Lake
None5121 Campstool Rd, Cheyenne, WY82007Third-partyLaramie+17743086254

Details of Other Significant Amazon Locations:

CodeAddressZip CodeType of LocationCountyContact NumberMap Link
12500 Interstate 80 Service Rd, Cheyenne, WY82009Hub CounterLaramie+18773466244
Pershing Marketplace, 3901 E Pershing Blvd Suite B, Cheyenne, WY82001HCLaramie307-632-9600
300 SE Wyoming Blvd at Ridleys, Casper, WY82609LockerNatronaNone
232 E 2nd St Suite 106A, Casper, WY82601HCNatrona+18773466244

Everything You Need to Know About the Amazon Warehouses in Wyoming

Whether you’re an FBA seller or job seeker, knowing details of the Amazon warehouses in your location is essential to make informed decisions. Here are all the details you need to know about the above-mentioned locations:

Amazon Warehouses 

1. Amazon Fulfillment Center Warehouse, Salt Lake County – SLC1

Address: 777 N 5600 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84116, United States

The only official Amazon warehouse is located in the south of Wyoming. To be more precise, the warehouse is in Salt Lake City, and it’s officially considered in Utah. However, Wyoming borders Utah to the north. 

Among Wyoming counties bordering Utah, Sweetwater County occupies the northwest corner, putting it geographically closest to Salt Lake City. 

From Casper City, it’s a 6.30-hour ride by car across 440 miles. The 855,000-square-foot facility has 1,500+ employees. As I’ve seen so far, the reviews regarding the work environment and benefits are pretty good. 

A company spokesman has revealed the added incentives that include up to 20 weeks of paid leave, special opportunities for the disabled, and healthcare and dental care costs. The employees get a minimum $15 wage per hour.

2. Sierra Trading Post Fulfillment Center, Laramie County

Address: 5121 Campstool Rd, Cheyenne, WY 82007, United States

In 1992, Sierra Trading Post started Its journey in Cheyenne. Since then, the company has expanded its warehouse several times. The most recent addition was a massive 390,000 facility. 

While the mail-order outlet store ships thousands of orders from many of its associates, it’s also an authorized pick-up location for Amazon products.

In the warehouse, there are numerous employment opportunities, and the company offers a handsome salary range of $15 to $41 per hour. 

However, it’s still a warehouse job, and not everyone is impressed by the work environment of this place. It’s only 4.8 miles away and takes approximately 9 minutes to get there by car from downtown Cheyenne.

Other Amazon Locations

These two are the only two Amazon warehouses near Wyoming. You can find some small hubs and mail service providers in the area including:

3. Amazon Nighttime Locker, Laramie County

Address: 12500 Interstate 80 Service Rd, Cheyenne, WY 82009, United States

Located in the heart of the city, the nighttime locker of Wyoming is only 10.6 miles away from downtown Cheyenne, WY. It typically takes approximately 14 minutes to get there by car. As it’s only a storage locker, not many reviews are available for its services or working benefits.

4. Amazon Cheyenne Pack & Ship Hub Counter, Laramie County

Address: Pershing Marketplace, 3901 E Pershing Blvd Suite B, Cheyenne, WY 82001, United States

Similar to other mail services, this hub counter picks up and delivers products on behalf of FBA sellers. It’s only 3.5 miles away from downtown Cheyenne and takes no more than 5 minutes by car. Here, you can get flexible job options with a good payment range.

5. Amazon Placement Locker, Natrona County

Address: 300 SE Wyoming Blvd at Ridleys, Casper, WY 82609, United States

If you live in Casper County, the closest pick-up and storage point for your Amazon products is the Amazon placement locker. 

Unfortunately, there is limited information available regarding the locker. However, there are no bad customer reviews given to this particular locker. 

6. Amazon Screen Cycle Hub Counter, Natrona County

Address: 232 E 2nd St Suite 106A, Casper, WY 82601, United States

Located about 176 miles away from the capital, it can take up to 3 hours to reach Casper from downtown Cheyenne. Although I haven’t visited the place, the available pictures indicate a spacious workplace. It also offers good salaries for the employees working in the facility.

A Rumored Warehouse in Sweetwater County

According to some local sources, Amazon has taken the initiative to build a new warehouse in Sweetwater County. If this gets made, the warehouse will be the closest and most convenient facility for the population of Wyoming. 

However, other sources have dismissed the rumors stating that there was no official announcement for an Amazon warehouse in the area.

Final Words

Despite the significant population in Wyoming and the suitable environment, there are no easy-to-access Amazon warehouses in Wyoming. The only large facility is located in the bordering area shared by Utah. 

Therefore, we can only expect the rumors of a new warehouse to become true to provide better employment and business options for the locals.