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Amazon Advertising Management Services

Amazon PPC is becoming more and more important to the success of any profitable product. Doing it right would mean you are dominating the niche and doing it wrong can ruin your brand’s future. 

Here at ZonHack, we are currently managing Amazon Ads for hundreds of brand across various marketplaces while maintaining good ACoS and TACoS. 

Need help minimizing your ad spending? Is Amazon PPC eating away all your profits? Do you want to capture larger market share with perfectly planned Amazon Ads? Well, get in touch with us immediately…

Amazon PPC Advertising Management Services Zonhack.

The Proof Is In The Pudding

Check out what we have been able to achieve for our clients with the help of Amazon Advertising. Watch actual screen recordings of our clients seller central console where it shows remarkable results of our Amazon PPC management performance

Consistently Good ACoS

A long-term client regularly getting below 10% ACoS and 9.0 ROAS for their 4 brands

5 Units to 489 Per Day

This Supplement product took off when we carefully implemented our Amazon PPC strategy 

2X Sales in 4 Months

Beauty Brand successfully came out of stagnation and doubled their sales in 3.5 months

What's included in the Advertising Management Service

Our PPC service can vary from brand to brand depending on what needs to be worked on. But in general, we look at PPC management work in 3 different stages 




Goal Setting: The very first thing we do when we sign up a client is – undersatnd what they are trying to achieve. How aggresive do they want to be when it comes to growth. We usually ask for a sales number that they might have in their mind which will be achived in a certain perior of time. We the evatuate these numbers and we get back with a forecasting on how much ad spending there needs to be to achive these sales and in how long time. 

Listing Quality Check: A product’s listing quality will affect how well ads will perform. So we do a through analysis of the listing by checking the Title, Bullet Points, Images, Enhanced Brand Content (A+), Backend Keywords and other backed attributes before starting ads. 

Keyword & Bid Research: You might already have done a keyword research for your product but we will do a separate keywords research while keep Amazon Advertising in mind. In this keyword reaserch we’ll try to see which keywords get how much search volume and how much the bidding needs to be in order to show ads at various ad placements. We then create a plan on which keywords we’ll target intially during ad testing and which we will target later. 

Competitor Research:
Amazon ad is all about showing your products at the right pace at the cost. That is why it’s importatn to observe what your competitors are doing and how they have planned their ad investment. When you look closely at your major competitors you can plan certain placement and ad type to your advantage while piggybacking their efforts. 




Ai Tools and Reporting Tools Calibration: ZonHack uses some cutting edge tools to manage and analyse Amazon advertising operation. After the initial strategy planning is done we will add these tools to your seller account and make sure they are all working smoothly. Don’t worry, we will not mess around with your current software stack which you might be using for a while. 
Creating Ad Creatives: We will create any ad creatives that needs to be created at this stage of our engagement. In most cases we will repurpose the image or video content you already have but for better results we may ask your to invest i creating better contents. You can wither supply these contents yourself or you can use our content production services. 

Creating All Planned Ad Types: After doing all planning and preparation it’s time to launch new ads. We usually go and launch ads in every type possible including Sponsored Product, Sponsored Display and Sponsored Brand. The initial ads are test campaigns which will then be converted and modified into long term growth campaigns after a successful test phase. 




Deep Campaign Optimization: This is where the main PPC game starts. We will carefully pptimize each cgampiagn and monitor what’s working and what’s not. Our job is to provide budget and support to the campaigns that are bringing sales at good rate and optimize the ones that are not performing well. The optimization work includes bid optimization, budget adjustment, placement optimization, keyword negating and day parting. 

Organic Ranking Impact:  One of the major goals during growth period is to observe the impact of organic ranking of a product. Our aim is to use Amazon PPC to gain as much organic ranking as possible so that you are not dependent on the ad spending for the entire lifecycle of a product. We adjust and optimize our ad efforts based on how a product is ranking on its various relevant keywords.

Market Share Capture:  The true growth comes when you start to work on how much of market share you have captured and how you can dominate the niche. After achiveing all primary goals with PPC we start to work on capturing as much market share as possible while remaining profitable.  


You dont have to suffer in silence. Let us help you manage your Amazon PPC for better results. Our experts can help you to reduce PPC cost and increase sales

Our Amazon PPC Advertising Experts Delivering Great Results

Case Study 1

A women's beauty product did $30k on their first year of business on Amazon with only 4 SKUs.

They then reached out to us with their plan of introducing 100+ SKUs in 2018. By the end of 2018, they were hitting around $100k per month.

We used both Amazon PPC and off Amazon advertising to generate sales and improve organic ranking. We were able to use the data from previous year to find out which keywords were working well for their product line and capitalized that information to our advantage.

Case Study 2

This health and supplement brand came to us with only one target and that is to gain the most out of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

So we implemented a plan where we position the keywords ranking and signed up for few deals specific for BFCM. We tracked the products that did well during previous year's BFCM and piggybacked on tehir exposure.

We managed to increase the sales on Black Friday by 18x of the normal sales. A huge success!

Case Study 3

Another BFCM success story. They sell men's fashion accessories. But their main challenge was inventory level management. Marketing and advertising were not a concern for them as the founders themselves were marketing experts.
They needed our help with supplier management and smooth operation of their logistics. When we took over the account there was no solid lead time that was agreed with the supplier and nobody knew how long it takes for the products to arrive from China USA.
We worked on their account for 2 months and resolved both supplier and logistics issues.


Do not just hope for a better result but work for it. We can deliver you great results

Keyword Research Strategy For Amazon PPC

Keyword resaerch for product listing is a bit different than doing keywords research for Amazon Advertising. Find out what additional factors we consider when performing Amazon PPC Keywords research

Create a Master Keywords List: We use advanced tools to compile a large list of every single keyword and search term that is related to the product we are running amazon advertising. This master sheet needs to be updated and we do keep adding new keywords for a product regularly

Divide the Keywords in different Tiers: Based on the search volume and bid cost we divide the big list of keywords in Top, Middle and bottom tier keywords. Depending on the client’s budget  we then target the appropriate keywords Tier
Create a Negative Keywords list:  Negative keywords are great to avoid ad spend wastage and also impression dilution and low ad CTR. We ad the direct negative keywords and also the different long tail variations of those keywords.   


Amazon Ad Optimization Round the Clock

There is no magic formula of doing better with Amazon Ads. The trick is- 

More Optimization
Even More Optimization

With combined efforts from our ad experts and cutting edge Ai based ad management tools and strategies we are optimizating every single keyword bid, placement and budget several times a day on a 24 X 7 X 365 basis.  

Amazon PPC Bid Adjustment Frequency



Per Month


  • Upto $10k of ad spending
  • Upto 15 Parent ASINs
  • Ai Optimization Available at 2.5% of Ad Spending
  • Weekly Detailed Reporting Email
  • Monthly Client Meeting
Let's Talk


Per Month


  • Upto $50k of ad spending
  • Upto 100 Parent ASINs
  • Ai Optimization Available at 2.5% of Ad Spending
  • Weekly Detailed Reporting Email
  • Bi Weekly Client Meeting
Let's Talk


Per Month


  • Unlimited Ad Spending
  • Unlimited Parent Products
  • Ai Optimization Available at 2.5% of Ad Spending
  • Weekly Detailed Reporting Email
  • Bi Weekly Meeting
  • Dedicated Ad Expert
Let's Talk

Amazon Video Ads

Get unfair advantage over your competitors by running Amazon video ads.

More than 68% of sales on Amazon originate on a mobile device. In today’s short attention span user behavior how do you stop people from scrolling away from your product? The answer is Video Ads.

Since Amazon introduced video ads in their Sponsored Brand ad type; experienced marketers have been taking advantage of this ad type to set themselves apart from competiotrs. 

At ZonHack we not only run video ads and hope for the best but we have a whole strategy on what kind of video will work well on ads and how we produce those videos without costing too much. 

Talk with our experts today and find out how your brand can benefit from video ads on Amazon

0 %

Less Than 5% of Products Run Video Ads

0 X

Video Conversion is 3.8X Higher

0 %

Video Ad Gives Massive Ranking Boost

0 X

Higher Brand Recognition With Video

Amazon PPC Performs Better with Modern AI Tools

Artificial Inteligence (AI) has improved quite a lot over the last year or so. We are embracing the power of modern AI tools for sellers.

We use AI tools to do keywords research, listing optimization, idea generation, PPC bid and budget management.

But AI tools alone are not gonna give your good results unless you are driving them the right direction. Our team of experts do just that for your brand.

Use of AI for ad management vs manual: Plenty of AI based PPC optimization tools are now available in the market. Primary purpose of these tools has been to automate most of the basic tasks traditionally done manually.

However, with enhanced algorithms and machine learning technology, these tools have now gone beyond the basics and achieved results that would seem implausible if not impossible to achieve manually. From daily bid/cost optimization, budget, campaign management to targeting & testing large scale KWs, competitors & relevant traffic has enabled these tools to achieve superior results.

It would certainly require more than one dedicated PPC manager to micro manage the campaigns to match those results. That being said, these AI tools do have their own limitations and need to be guided properly. You would require someone trained and knowledgeable enough to guide those tools to be ahead of the competition and take the full benefit on offer. Bottom line, you need to leverage the AI tools’ advanced techniques in addition to having a PPC manager to be truly successful in this highly competitive market.

Quartile Amazon PPC Ai Tool


Quartile has redefined the use of tool for PPC management even long before AI became a hype. We use Quartile for our clients to get massive PPC scaling and very fast

Data Dive

This is an amazing tool to do keywords research as it focuses on finding the most relevant keywords which ultimately helps with listing optimization and organic ranking


A great PPC tool that does bidding and budgeting automation for your Amazon PPC. M19 is particularly great if your goal is to minimize ad spending wastage

Scale Inshight

This is another great artificial inteligence PPC automation tool that help you expand your visiblity and grow sales rapidly without blowing up your ACoS and TACoS target


Do not just hope for a better result but work for it. We can deliver you great results

Why it's Better to Hire an Agency for Amazon PPC vs Hiring an Individual PPC Expert

Companies and brand owners often debate the thought of hiring in-house individual Amazon PPC Experts vs hiring an agency. Of course, we think hiring an agency is a better idea but we don’t say that because we are an agency ourselves. We actually have some good reasons for it. Let’s compare the two options


  • Limited exposure of different brands 
  • Gets tunnel visioned 
  • Unable to use group knowledge and expertise
  • Struggles to scale due to lack of available work hours 
  • Doesn’t have access to structured workflow
  • Doesn’t have enterprise level tools access
  • Can not operate 24 X 7 X 365


  • As an agency, we are exposed to hundreds of seller accounts and brands and we are familiar with different kinds of challenges
  • An agency like ours has SOPs in place that force us to think out of the box and continuously seek to outperform ourselves 
  • We have years of group knowledge and experience to share among ourselves 
  • As a large team of PPC experts, we have plenty of bandwidth to scale big and fast
  • We have a very structured and leakproof workflow 
  • As an agency, we have access to the latest and greatest tools that are available to only enterprise-level users 
  • We are here 24 X 7X 365 taking care of your Amazon PPC

How Amazon PPC Can Increase Sales & Organic Ranking

Amazon SEO and PPC complement each other and one doesn’t sustain without the other.

Unless you are selling a unique product with a well established brand, you must utilize Amazon’s PPC to increase sales and grow your business.

Depending on a product’s life cycle, 30% to 95% of total sales are generated through PPC. When you launch a new product, almost 100% of sales will come from PPC.

This ratio will come down over time as you gain organic ranking of relevant KWs and your product keeps ranking higher. Your dependance on PPC will reduce and profit margin will increase gradually.

You can’t pause PPC campaigns all together even after establishing your product as you need to fend off competitors and maintain your organic position. This is more realistic for seasonal products.

Every season new players are observed to fight for top positions in the market utilizing PPC, as organic ranking is not maintained throughout the year. For a matured all around product, you should always be optimizing ad cost as opposed to completely turning them off & find new traffic utilizing PPC to further grow your business.


We can help you to improve your sale and organic ranking with better Amazon PPC

Amazon PPC Advertising Service for Large Enterprise Level Sellers

Are you a large seller with Thousands of SKUs to in your catalog? Are you worried that you may not find a big enough team to manage your entire Amazon Advertising? Well at ZonHack we have the solution for you

Dedicate Team: We are currently working with some large clients with heavy PPC workload as they have massive product catalog. We have the sacalibility to match this kind of demand. We plan and form a dedicated team of PPC experts just for our larger cleints. 

Custom Tools and Processes: Often time the usual tools and SOP we follow to manage our Amazon Ads PPC accounts may not be suitable for larger accounts. So do create customized tools, and internal processes to deliver the best results.  

Custom Reporting: Large enterprises usually use their own internal reporting system for their business and we create our ads performance report based on their system requirements so that the data transmission can happen smoothly between two teams.   

Download Sample of Our Amazon PPC Advertising Report

All of our PPC clients get regular updates on the PPC performance of their account and products


You dont have to suffer in silence. Let us help you manage your Amazon PPC for better results. Our experts can help you to reduce PPC cost and increase sales

FAQ on Amazon Advertising PPC Service

Have questions on how our team can help you with managing your Amazon PPC? Well you might find the answers here. If you don’t find an answer simply email us at [email protected] with your qustions

Absolutely, managing ad spending can be quite challenging, especially in a competitive marketplace like Amazon.

At zonhack, we constantly monitor our running campaigns. For an out of control ad spending campaign we first make a quick survey after that we prepare specific strategy for it and start optimizing. 

Here is a check list that we follow to complete our survey:

Product landing page quality check:

✔️ Listing Quality

✔️ SEO Keywords

✔️ Organic Keywords Ranking

✔️ Keywords Search Volume

✔️ Category

Running campaign quality check:

✔️Bids for the Keywords

✔️ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale)

✔️TACoS (Total Advertising Cost of Sale)


✔️TACoS (Total Advertising Cost of Sale)


✔️CTR (click-through-rate)

After Analyzing these data we start our optimization process. We do Fresh Keyword research for listing, backend and ad keywords. We immediately pause any bad campaigns and do a fresh start. This way we monitor, control and maximize our ads performance.

Amazon offers several types of ads to help sellers and brands promote their products more effectively. They are:

Sponsored Products: The most common type of ads on Amazon. Sponsored Product ads allow us to promote individual product listings. These types of ads appear in search results and on product detail pages, blending in with the non-sponsored listings.

Sponsored Brands: Formerly known as Headline Search Ads, these are aimed at promoting a brand rather than individual products. Sponsored Brands ads typically feature a brand logo, a custom headline, and multiple products. They appear in more prominent positions like the top of search results.

Sponsored Display Ads: These ads target customers based on their shopping behaviors and interests, both on and off Amazon. They can appear on Amazon product detail pages, customer review pages, on top of the offer listing page, and even on external websites and apps.

Determining a “good” ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale) and TACoS (Total Advertising Cost of Sale) for an Amazon product can be subjective. It largely depends on your business objectives, product lifecycle, profit margins, and the competitive landscape of your category. 


Before determining what is good and what is not let get familiar with some key positions of these two very important matricks. 


When the ACoS is low like bellow 30% we can consider this as a good position not the best. And Same goes to TACoS as well. Lover the percentage better the performance.


Lets observe some different scenarios that will help to understand what might be a good ACoS and TACoS.


  • High Profit Products: If you have high-profit margins, you might be able to tolerate a higher ACoS. For example, an ACoS of 30% might be acceptable if your profit margin is 40%.


  • Low Proft Products: For products with lower margins, you’ll need a lower ACoS to remain profitable. An ACoS of 10-15% might be more appropriate in such cases.


  • Growth Phase Products: If you’re in the growth phase, focusing on brand awareness and market penetration, a higher ACoS might be acceptable temporarily.
  • Mature Products: For well-established products, the focus usually shifts to maintaining profitability, thus aiming for a lower ACoS.



  • New Products: For new product launches, a higher TACoS is common as you’re investing more in advertising to gain visibilityA TACoS of 10-15% might be typical.
  • Established Products: For established products, a lower TACoS is ideal. A range of 5-10% might be good. This is an indication that your overall sales are not overly dependent on paid advertising.


The best approach is to set ACoS and TACoS targets based on your specific business context. 


Always consider your overall profit margins, the competitive intensity in your category, and your long-term business goals when evaluating these metrics. It’s also important to keep an eye on how changes in your ACoS and TACoS impact your total sales and profitability, making adjustments as necessary.


Amazon PPC does indeed have an impact on organic rankings. When you launch PPC campaigns, your products gain increased exposure and, ideally, a boost in sales. Amazon loves it when products sell well. So, when your product starts racking up sales through PPC ads, Amazon takes note.

What happens next is pretty cool. Amazon thinks, “Hey, this product is pretty popular, let’s show it more in organic search results too.” This is because Amazon’s primary goal is to sell products that customers are likely to buy. So, a product that sells well through PPC can get a boost in organic rankings. It’s like Amazon’s way of giving a thumbs-up to products that customers seem to love.

Keep in mind, though, it’s not just about getting clicks on your ads. It’s the actual sales from those clicks that really count. The more sales you get from your PPC ads, the better your chances of climbing up in the organic search rankings. 

However, it’s important to note that PPC is just one of several factors influencing organic rankings on Amazon. Other factors like product relevance, customer reviews, pricing, and overall customer experience play significant roles too.

Now-a-days, PPC is a must have option for amazon sellers if they want to get their product development in a smooth line. Working with a limited budget for Amazon PPC can be a bit tricky, but it’s totally doable.

Here’s a game plan:

Start with Research: Before you dive in, do your homework. Look at your product, your competition, and your target market. Identify the most relevant keywords for your product, but don’t just go for the big, popular ones. Sometimes, less competitive keywords can give you more bang for your buck.

Set Clear Goals: What do you want to achieve? More sales, brand visibility, or maybe you’re launching a new product? Your goals will shape your strategy.

Budget Allocation: Now, this is key. With a limited budget, you gotta be smart. Prioritize products that have the best chance of success. Maybe it’s your bestsellers or products with the highest profit margins.

Opt for Automatic Campaigns Initially: When you’re just starting out, automatic campaigns can be a great way to gather data without spending too much. Amazon will pick keywords based on your product info.

Monitor and Adjust: This part’s crucial. Keep a close eye on your campaigns. Which keywords are bringing in sales? Which ones are just eating up your budget? Adjust your bids and switch off what’s not working.

ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale): Keep an eye on this metric. It tells you how much you’re spending on ads for every dollar of sales you’re making. The lower the ACoS, the better.

Refine Your Strategy: Patience is key. It’s not a quick fix, but a learning process. Start with small tweaks and learn from the results. Gradually shift to manual campaigns for better control over keywords and budget. This approach sharpens your strategy, making it more effective.

Always Remember, success in PPC is a gradual process of learning and adapting, even with budget constraints. Stay patient and focused on your strategic adjustments for the best outcomes.

There are some crucial metrics for Understanding the effectiveness of an Amazon PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns. Let’s break down these key terms related to Amazon advertising; ACoS, TACoS, and ROAS:

ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale): This key metric shows the relationship between your advertising expenses and the sales generated from those ads. It tells us how much we are spending on advertising for every dollar of revenue you make from those ads. 

The formula is: 


A lower ACoS means your campaign is more efficient, as you’re spending less to make a sale.

TACoS (Total Advertising Cost of Sale): This is a broader metric than ACoS. TACoS considers the total revenue (not just the revenue generated from the ads) and the ad spend. It gives us a more holistic view of how our advertising impacts our overall sales. 

The formula is: 


TACoS helps you understand how your advertising efforts are contributing to your overall business, 

beyond just the direct sales from ads.

ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): This metric flips the concept of ACoS on its head. Instead of showing the cost ratio, it shows the return you’re getting for every dollar spent on advertising. The formula is: 


A higher ROAS indicates a more successful campaign, as you’re earning more revenue for each dollar spent.

Yes, we run a variety of ads, including those on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads. These platforms offer unique opportunities and audiences, so utilizing them helps in reaching a broader and more diverse audience.

Deciding how much to spend on ads for a new product on Amazon can be tricky. It really depends on things like how much money you have for this, how competitive your product type is, and what you want to achieve with your marketing.

Here are some considerations to help you make an informed decision:

Initial Budget: It’s wise to start with a modest budget to test the waters. You might consider starting with a daily budget of $20 to $50. This allows you to gather data on ad performance without overspending.

Cost-Per-Click (CPC): Research the average CPC in your product category. This will give you an idea of how much each ad click will cost you, helping to better allocate your budget.

Product Margin and Break-Even ACoS: Understand your product margins and calculate your break-even Advertising Cost of Sale (ACoS). This is the point at which your advertising spend equals the profit from sales generated by ads. It’s crucial for ensuring you’re not spending more than what you make from sales.

Market Competition: Highly competitive categories often require a higher ad spend to stand out. Check the competition level for your product category.

Sales and Marketing Goals: Set clear goals. Are you looking to gain visibility, boost initial sales, or collect customer reviews? Your goals will influence how much you should invest.

Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment: Start with your initial budget, then monitor your campaigns closely. Adjust your spend based on the performance data, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and ACoS.

Keep in mind, there isn’t a single answer that works for every product and market. Each one is unique. It’s usually a good idea to begin with a small budget and then slowly raise it depending on how well your ads are doing and how comfortable you feel about the money you’re spending.

Certainly, I’m here to assist you in minimizing your ad expenditure. It’s akin to fine-tuning a car; you want to maximize performance without wasting fuel. Let’s analyze your existing ad campaigns to identify areas for improvement. We’ll optimize your targeting options, refine your keyword selection, and review your bidding strategies. It’s like bargain hunting – you want the best value without overspending. And remember, continuous monitoring is essential. Regularly assess campaign performance to identify what’s working and what’s not, allowing for timely adjustments. With a few tweaks, I’m confident we can reduce your ad costs while maintaining campaign effectiveness.

Aiming for the top 3 in your niche? That’s awesome, go for it! Amazon PPC can definitely be a game-changer for you. Think of it like having a megaphone at a crowded party. It helps you get noticed!

So, here’s how PPC can be your best friend in climbing to the top:

Visibility Boost: It’s like getting a VIP pass. Your products get prime real estate on Amazon’s search pages. This means more eyeballs on your stuff, which is super important in a crowded market.

Target the Right Shoppers: You know how you find just the right crowd to hang with? PPC lets you target shoppers who are actually looking for what you’ve got. You can pick keywords that match what your ideal customer would type in.

Data: It’s like having a roadmap. PPC gives you tons of info on what’s working and what’s not. You’ll see which keywords are bringing in the buyers and which ones are just window shoppers.

Control Your Spend: You’re in the driver’s seat with your budget. You can start small, test the waters, and then put more into what’s working. It’s all about getting the most bang for your buck.

Outsmart the Competition: With PPC, you can see what others in your niche are doing and then do it better. It’s like playing chess – you gotta think a few moves ahead.

Just remember, it’s not just about throwing money at ads. It’s about being smart with your strategy. Stay focused on your goals, keep tweaking your approach, and with a little patience and a lot of hustle, you’ll see yourself climbing up to those top spots.

Keyword bidding on Amazon is a crucial element of their advertising platform, Amazon PPC (pay-per-click). It allows sellers to bid on specific keywords relevant to their products. By placing bids, sellers compete for their ads to appear in prime positions on search results pages, increasing their products’ visibility and attracting more potential customers.


How it works:


Bidding for Keywords: Sellers identify keywords potential customers might use to find their products and then bid on them.


Auction System: When a customer searches for a product, an auction is held amongst those who bid on relevant keywords. The highest bidder wins the top ad spot.


Second-Price Auction: Amazon implements a “second-price auction” system, meaning the winner pays only $0.01 more than the second-highest bid. This ensures sellers pay a fair price for their ad placement.


Dynamic Bidding: For those who prefer a more automated approach, Amazon offers “dynamic bidding” options. These adjust bids automatically based on certain factors, like a click’s conversion likelihood.


Overall, keyword bidding is a powerful tool for sellers on Amazon. By understanding its nuances and employing a strategic approach, sellers can significantly increase their product visibility and achieve their advertising goals.

Ad placement on Amazon refers to the specific locations where your ads appear across the Amazon platform. These placements can range from search results pages to product detail pages, and they play a crucial role in determining the visibility of your products and the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.


Types of Ad Placements on Amazon:


Sponsored Products: These ads appear within search results pages, directly below or alongside organic product listings.


Sponsored Brands: These ads showcase your brand and multiple products, appearing in search results pages and on product detail pages.


Sponsored Display: These ads use automatically generated creatives and are targeted to audiences based on their Amazon shopping behavior. They can appear across Amazon’s owned and operated sites, as well as third-party websites and apps.


Product Detail Page Placements: These ads appear directly on product detail pages, either above or below the product’s description and reviews.


Amazon DSP: This demand-side platform allows advertisers to programmatically buy display, video, and audio ads across Amazon’s network and beyond.


By understanding the dynamics of ad placement on Amazon and implementing a strategic approach, you can effectively position your products in front of the right customers, maximizing the impact of your advertising campaigns and achieving your sales goals.

Yes, dayparting can be a helpful strategy for Amazon ads. It allows you to adjust your ad bids and budgets based on the times of day when your products are most likely to sell. This can help you to save money on your advertising costs and improve your overall return on investment (ROI).


There are a few reasons why dayparting can be effective for Amazon ads:


  • People’s shopping habits vary throughout the day. For example, people are more likely to browse and shop for products in the evenings and on weekends.


  • Your competition may not be running ads all day long. This means that you may be able to get your ads in front of more people by running them during times when your competition is not as active.


  • You can use dayparting to experiment with different bidding strategies. For example, you could try running your ads at a higher bid during peak times and at a lower bid during off-peak times.


Some Pro tips about Dayparting for Amazon Ads:

  • Start by analyzing your historical sales data to identify your peak and off-peak selling times.


  • Set up different ad schedules for different types of products. For example, you may want to run ads for seasonal products at different times of the year.


  • Be prepared to experiment and adjust your dayparting strategy as needed. Your sales patterns may change over time, so it is important to be flexible.


Overall, dayparting can be a valuable tool for improving the effectiveness of your Amazon ads. By taking the time to understand your target audience’s shopping habits and experiment with different bidding strategies, you can save some money and improve your ROI.



Do not just work aimlessly and hope that success will eventually fall on your laps. Use the years of combined experience of our team to your advantage